A major initiative was promulgated in the early 1980's by COSLA (Chief Officers of State Library Agencies) for each state librarian to develop a state plan for library services in their state. As a result, for Indiana the document "Indiana Long-Range Plan for Library Services and Development:1985-1990" was published December 1984. Influenced by COSLA's state plan initiative and the fact that a number of state libraries were designated as regional federal depositories, the Depository Library Council to the U.S. Public Printer also encouraged the concept of a documents state plan for depositories in each state. In Indiana, the development of a state plan for both state and federal depositories was shared by ISL and the Indiana Library Association Government Documents Division (I believe this Division is no longer active or in existence?). A task force of 20 document librarians from around the state met in 1982 to discuss problems and needs of both the state and federal document depository systems in Indiana and suggest goals/objectives for a documents state plan.
In 1984, the 1st "Indiana Plan for Depository Library Services: A Component of the Indiana Long-Range Plan for Services & Development, 1985-1990" was created. This document was published in 2 formats:
The Government Documents and Information Subcommittee of the Network Coordinating Committee of ISLAC (Indiana State Library Advisory Council) was created to assist and advise ISL on the implementation, review, and revision of the state/federal documents state plan. The Subcommittee was made up of representatives of state and federal depository libraries as well as non-depositories in Indiana from public, university, and special libraries strategically located around the state. I recall that some of the librarians which belonged to the Subcommittee were: Barbara Fishler (Director, IUPUI Library and Subcommittee Chairperson); Gail Winsmore (Head, Reference/Government Services Division, ISL); Byron Swanson (Head, Indiana Division, ISL - state documents); Carol Rogers (Extension Division, ISL); Lou Malcomb (Head of Reference, Undergraduate Library, IU Bloomington); Ruth Davison (Documents Reference Librarian, Main Library, IU Bloomington); Harriet Cohen (IMCPL - Reference Librarian for newspapers and federal documents); Judith Violette (IU-PU Fort Wayne - Reference Head for federal, state, and local documents); Sally Holterhoff (Reference Librarian, Valparaiso University Law Library); Elmer Hess (Valparaiso University).
The 2nd state/federal documents state plan was entitled, "Long Range Plan for Government Publications
and Information in Indiana"
[see attachment in pdf].
Pages 2-3 indicate that this document was intended to be a separately-issued part of the
"Indiana Long-Range Plan for Library Services and Development:1990-1995."
There was no formal 3rd state/federal documents state plan published as had been done on the two previous occasions. But there is one paragraph on page 27 in the "Draft Proposed Indiana Long-Range Plan for Library Services and Development:1991-1996," with the heading "Government Documents and Information Depositories" [see attachment].
Both the Government Documents and Information Subcommittee of the Network Coordinating Committee of ISLAC, and the Network Coordinating Committee itself were dissolved in 1992 (see "A Plan for Indiana Statewide Excellence in Library Services : Executive Summary, December 31, 1992, Strategy 5.8, page XIX.). The Subcommittee was the only forum of state/federal/local document librarians in the state. When the Subcommittee was dissolved by ISLAC, state/local/federal/international document librarians in Indiana created the organization known today as INDIGO (Indiana Networking for Documents and Information of Government Organizations) http://www.lib.purdue.edu/govdocs/indigo.html.